Futuro Digitale is a partner of the progetto
RaivoTech – Raise Volunteers in Tech
ID Project: 2016-1-LU02-KA205-000232
- WIDE Women In Digital Empowerment (sito web www.women-digital.lu/)
- APS Futuro Digitale (sito web www.futurodigitale.org)
- A & A Emphasys Interactive Solutions Ltd (sito web www.emphasyscentre.com)
- Hellas for Us sito web (sito web www.hellasforus.wordpress.com)
Site web: www.raivotech.eu
Fighting digital illiteracy is is becoming crucial to reduce risks of social & economic exclusion created by the digital skill gap.
Involving volunteers is an interesting way to contribute to reducing this major issue of today world. Volunteers can teach, show & tell but also inspire, motivate and therefore bring a different outlook than the one in provided in formal education. However if working with volunteers is also a way to reduce cost of implementing activities & tapping into a network of non-professional trainers, this does not mean that this strategy is ressources-free for organisations.
With lot of new players on the field of youth work in digital education & the arrivals of a large pool of highly motivated volunteers by the cause new opportunities & challenges our have been identified for capacity building & improvement of youth work quality.
This project aims to support non-profit organisations in the field of digital education to strengthen their capacity bringing new methods to manage volunteers & implementing projects in this specific field.
This project is innovative in developing learning material to improve leadership thanks to volunteers (amongst ICT practitioners & e-leaders) who have a knowledge, expertise & enthusiasm to share to fight the digital divide.
The expected outcome is to improve quality of awareness raising activities and also encouraging young talents especially from diverse, fewer opportunities /disadvantaged backgrounds.
Raise Volunteers in Tech RAIVOTECH includes the following activities:
- A extensive research based on real needs of organisation & volunteers involved in digital education
- A training activity for youth workers / Project managers
- An Open Online Course with video material available to those wishing to develop & improve their skills & practices in managing volunteers in the non-formal digital education space
- A European report available to all stakeholders & interested parties to give a clear overview on the current challenges & opportunities as well as demonstrating project results, study case & best practices in the field.
The outputs will specifically focus on matters such as recruitment, communication, retention, conflict management & rewards for volunteers in the field of digital education.
RAIVOTECH aims to create an strong impact on organisations involved in digital education, their staff, their volunteers, the young learners and their communities and all together amplify awareness raising around the topic of digital skills.