FuturoDigitale is a partners of the project
ID Project: 2016-1-FR01-KA202-024088
Running dates: 01-09-2016 / 30-06-2018
- I.I.S. “Carlo e Nello Rosselli” (Italy)
- Futuro Digitale (Italy)
- Payas Anadolu Lisesi (Turkey)
The project installs itself in very difficult areas, in which there is a widespread early school leaving (ESL), as the moment around ⅓ of the students leave school before the end of it. Those are students which are intelligent and creative, but schools do not cope with channelling their energies into learning work. The participating territories of the schools of the partnership experience a massive depauperation in terms of work forces, hence many young people flee or they simply live with low employment possibilities The adoption of inquiry-based/creative-oriented activities in the acquisition of educational results is viewed as one of the ways forward, as it is widely accepted that effective education based on inquiry can lead to wonderment, and is fuelled by curiosity and innovative ICT tools. What is more, attaching subjects to the creation of new educational modules, like attaching them to philosophy, arts, digital storytelling activities, foreign languages or P.E. (physical education) can create new stimulus for youth to acquire knowledge. Employing ICT games and independent works may lead to more engaging from the students’ side, hence tackling the problem. Through four meetings, partners from Italy, France and Turkey will discuss and share best practices in tackling early school leaving, creating the conditions to work at local level with associations, networks, students and school personnel. Teachers will implement small pilot projects to involve students in creative learning and inquiry-based activities.
Main outcomes of the project will be a collection of best practices, the creation of a small booklet with the main techniques adopted and the assessment/feedback published in creative ways (digital storytelling, videos, focus groups discussions cartoons etc.). The expected results are related to a better image of the schools working in such difficult areas as well as stronger local and transnational bonds in creating new synergies to tackle ESL and give new hopes to students. One of the transversal issues is also about integration and intercultural society, as a good part of the students come from different country and, facing unfavourable situations, may fall behind with studying and therefore leaving schools. This will be a topic which has been seen as an important one, also given the European turmoil related to immigration.