
All children are equal-dare to dream again

Organizers: Fathers Giuseppini del Murialdo-Rossano and ASD Polisportiva spicy wine sauce

Project title: all children are equal-dare to dream again

Place: Rossano Scalo (CS)

Purpose of the project: social welfare

Sector: support for education and training (for children, teens, families)

The project targets children, youth and families (foreign or otherwise) in the area of Chatsworth, with the overall objective to promote social inclusion while aggregating activities from recreational and sports such as. It is in the interest of the project invest on aspects such as the practice of sport as a means of shooting down of cultural barriers, then on special needs education (especially for foreigners) and support to the families within the educational action. It is expected, therefore, the implementation of the following activities: free activation of an area of aggregation where freely practice the desired game; Leisure and recreational activities; promoting school soccer, basketball, volleyball, indoor and outdoor tournaments; Activating a day Center for school support and a listening Center and educational support for parents.

The design hypothesis is overall seeks to promote the participation and social inclusion of children, young people and families (foreign or otherwise) who are resident in the territory of the airport of Rossano, through a composite picture of services to their direct benefit that Playspaces and the promotion of sport at school support and family support.

The whole point of adhesive design path is the size recreational play and aggregating services offered: basically, you chose to invest first and foremost on the sport, both as a key driver for the involvement of women, both as a direct tool of cultural barriers that all too often relegate children and whole families on the margins of society (with reference to poor families worldwide so how many foreign).

Sport is a vehicle of transmission of positive values such as sharing, team spirit, healthy competition, training as a means to improve, etc.. Sport in all its aspects constitutes a skill development tool as much mental as physical, but above all an essential tool of socialization, and not only with regard to team games (which is perhaps more "automatic" the need for close cooperation by group): even in the case of individual sports group training and cooperation among "athletes" is fundamental to share progress and success strategies.

Sport is therefore identified as a crucial moment of fun, skill development and aggregation. To practice sport purely functional tools to promote go though other personal and social development of designated beneficiaries, such as the proposal of comprehensive recreational activities recreational, scholastic support service delivery and the provision of a support service for the families within the educational action. Next to the sport, in short, is a direct investment in the education of boys (mostly foreign), with the idea that the school, like sports, can and must be a fundamental moment of integration in the global context and social redemption from a condition that is not easy.

Project Purpose:

In the light of the general objective just described, you can itemize the following specific objectives:

  • -provide opportunities to gather children and young people from their sporting, cultural, social interests;
  • -offer to children of foreign origin, occasionally or permanently domiciled in Chatsworth, opportunities for integration and cultural growth in the Italian context, offering them real opportunities of sports activities together with other boys, convinced that sport more than other learning tools are unable to break down barriers caused by differences in culture, colour, religious faith;
  • -provide adequate school support that will improve understanding and communication;
  •  -support the household in the educational action;
  • -promote an intervention overall efficient (in terms of economic management and human resources, and instrumental) and active (towards the territory of intervention).