Project “AIDS & HIV” Training Course – Erasmus+ Programme

L’Associazione Futuro Digitale è ufficialmente Partner del Progetto 

“AIDS & HIV” Training Course

del Programma Erasmus+

Applicant: Conscious Youth

Paesi partecipanti: Turkey, Estonia, Greece, Poland, Romania, Latvia, Italy, Bulgaria and Sweden

Partecipanti: 34 partecipanti

Data:  dal 7 al 14 Giugno 2015

Luogo:  Karabuk, Turchia

Accomodation: Karabük Öğretmenevi

Partecipanti: 2 partecipanti di età minima 20 anni, (un uomo e una donna)

Condizioni economiche:

  • la partecipazione alle attività, vitto e alloggio sono GRATUITE;
  • il partecipante deve anticipare le spese di viaggio, a cui seguirà un rimborso fino ad un massimo di 275 €;
  • è necessario versare, prima della partenza, una quota di partecipazione di 50 €.

Ai partecipanti sarà rilasciato il certificato ”Youthpass” che descrive e convalida l’esperienza formale e informale acquisita durante il progetto, da allegare al proprio CV.

About the project

The general aim of the Project is to decrease the dissemination of AIDS by working with the young and youth workers by making conscious  about AIDS for the people. Young people will become conscious about AIDS and HIV. Their ability for being responsible will develop and they will want to work as an active person against this kind of social problem. As a result of group work, their ability of communication  will develop and their self confidence will increase. They will get enlightenment about different culture, lifestyle, and different belief, so they be tolerant for these differences. They will be informed about EU projects. With the help of NGO fair, they will know and learn the other institution’s activities and working fields. The participants will be educated and informed about both the Project topic AIDS and social, educational and cultural things and they will be information messenger and they will transfer all the information that they benefited to other young people. The knowledge of every institution and group about AIDS and HIV will increase and they will be able to transfer good applications of these institutions and groups. The project will have a very important profit to the region of partner institutions and groups. Local people will learn very important vital information such as; the reason of AIDS, how it contaminates, its harm, impact, treatment etc. In long term, the participants will produce new projects for their institutions and groups after they make them conscious and sensitive towards social events and situations. Thus, by always renewing themselves they will be useful for the young people. It is a long term advantage for the institutions and groups to develop their capacity for the new projects like on AIDS and other EU projects.


  1.  To produce new projects about AIDS
  2.  To teach the youth people how AIDS contaminates
  3.  To make awareness among the young people and youth workers  about how to protect themselves
  4.  To produce common strategies with the institution which Works for young people about how to cope with AIDS and HIV virus
  5.  To remove the necessary  barriers to recognize this illness for the young people who are under the risk
  6.  To make awareness towards different cultures among the participants

Project Activities

The methodologies that will be used during the activities will be: Games of group dynamic, group works, discussion, question – answer, individual learning, presentation, questionnaire work, dialog, example event, roll play, simulation, methodologies of individual working.