Project Youth Peace Camp “A call for peace for all” – Erasmus +Programme

L’Associazione Futuro Digitale è Partner del Progetto

Youth Peace Camp

“A call for peace for all”

ApplicantMIJARC Europe

Paesi partecipanti: Bulgaria, Germany, Malta, Romania, Armenia, France, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Portugal

Partecipanti: 33

Data: dall’1 al 5 Luglio 2018

Luogo: Ribamar, Portugal

L’Associazione FuturoDigitale cerca

  • 3 partecipanti ( tra i 18-30 anni)

Condizioni Economiche

  • partecipazione alle attività, vitto e alloggio sono interamente finanziati del Programma ERASMUS+;
  • il partecipante deve anticipare le spese di viaggio, a cui seguirà un rimborso fino ad un massimo di 275€
  • è necessario versare, prima della partenza, una quota di partecipazione di 50 €.

L’infopack del progetto lo trovi qui.

Per partecipare ti invitiamo a compilare la scheda di partecipazione che troverai su questa pagina.


Even though Europe is still one of the most peaceful and prosperous parts of the world, there are some regions on the continent that have become unstable and more insecure and where acts of extremism and an increased fear towards the so-perceived “others” – migrants, refugees or asylum seekers and any minority group – have resulted in lower levels of tolerance, respect of human rights and freedom. Moreover, throughout the world conflict is still present and the majority of those who live in conflict-affected areas are young people. In this context, the current project aims to make the young people involved more aware of the important and positive role they play in the maintenance and promotion of peace and security at all levels.

Under the main topic of peace, the current Youth Peace Camp aims at determining:  

  • A better understanding of self and one’s own identity, by offering space to reflect on one’s own personal history and relation to conflict;  
  • Knowledge on the principles and values of human rights and how they are implemented, protected and respected through the EU legislation;  
  • Facts about past and recent conflicts in Europe and around the world, such as WWI, WWII, Balkan Wars, Insurgency in the North Caucasus, War in Donbass;  Better awareness of the European project and its fundamental value;
  • During the activity we will use the method “See, Judge, Act” through our programme.