L’Associazione FuturoDigitale è Partner del Progetto
“Investing in Impact”
Training Course del Programma ERASMUS+
Applicant: MultiCultural Foundation – sito – facebook
Paesi partecipanti: France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Greece e Turkey
Partecipanti: 36 giovani
Data: dal 13 al 19 Giugno 2016
Luogo: Arad, Romania
Location: Continental Forum
L’Associazione FuturoDigitale cerca:
- 2 partecipanti con più di 21 anni.
Condizioni Economiche
- partecipazione alle attività, vitto e alloggio sono interamente finanziati del Programma ERASMUS+;
- il partecipante deve anticipare le spese di viaggio, a cui seguirà un rimborso fino ad un massimo di 275 €;
- è necessario versare, prima della partenza, una quota di partecipazione di 50 €;
Ai partecipanti sarà rilasciato il certificato ”Youthpass” che descrive e convalida l’esperienza formale e informale acquisita durante il progetto, da allegare al proprio CV.
The social and solidarity economy represents a niche of activity without scale in the countries of the European Economic Space, especially in Romania. The estimations show the majority of the actors from the business environment know very little about the concepts of social economy and social entrepreneurship. So we determined an absolute necessity to get ourselves involved in the field of training the social entrepreneurs, while being aware of the benefits generated by applying the social economy systems, in regards to increasing the living standards for the disadvantaged communities.
The objectives of the “Investing in impact” project are:
1. The acquiring of social entrepreneurship competencies for 36 leaders and youth workers, employers and entrepreneurs from 10 countries (Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Greece and Turkey), through organizing an international training in Arad, Romania, during the period 14th- 18th of June 2016.
2. The development of a collaborative network for the 18 partner organizations of the projects, through the networking workshops organized within the international training, which will take place in Arad, Romania for 5 days, with the attendance of 36 leaders and youth workers, employers and entrepreneurs from Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Greece and Turkey.
3. The development of a business plan, adapted for the social enterprises, as a result of the workshops organized at the international training, which will take place in Arad, for 5 days, with the direct involvement of 36 leaders and youth workers, employers and entrepreneurs from Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Greece and Turkey.
In the international training, the participants in the project are 36 leaders and youth workers, employers and entrepreneurs , members of 18 org. from 10 countries:
- Spain: Oportunidades Europeas
- France: Tambour Battant, Eurojeunesse
- Italy: Associazione Eurobox, Associazione di Promozione Sociale Futuro Digitale, GLOBE – Global Learning Opportunities for Better Education, Scambieuropei
- Germany: Youth Line, Forum für interkulturellen Dialog e.V, Plattform e.V.
- Austria: OeZLLL – Österreichisches Zentrum für Lebenslanges Lernen
- Romania: MultiCultural Foundation
- Bulgaria: House of Faith
- Lithuania: Apkabink Europa
- Greece: Institouto Anaptixis Epicheirimatikotitas Astiki Etaireia, Media Terra Nea N.P.O.
- Turkey: Sorgun Gençlik Dernegi, Genclik Mevsimi Dernegi
For ensuring a high quality level of the activities and of the results, the desired aspects of the candidates’ profile are: the background as youth leaders and/or youth workers, employees of young people, entrepreneurs, persons who offer support to young people for the integration in the labor market; the communication abilities: English speakers, connoisseurs of electronic communication tools; the teamwork spirit; the perseverance and seriousness, the abilities of synthesizing and disseminating the information; the necessity for training and the motivation. The project includes 6 participants with fewer opportunities.
The project will last for 4 months (1st of April – 31st of July, 2016). The main activity of the project is a mobility of the youth workers and it involves the organization of an international training in the social entrepreneurship field, which will take place in Arad, during the period 14th of June – 18th of June 2016.
The activities of the “investing in Impact” project will have as working methods the non-formal type such as: presentations, workshops, facilitated talks, briefing sessions, warm-up sessions, team consolidation games, together with the informal ones: intercultural dinners.
The tangible results of the project are: the business plan model for social enterprises, the issue of Youthpass for the 36 participants.
The intangible results of the project are: the international collaborative network, the knowledge and the experience acquired by the participants, the developed competencies in the social entrepreneurship field, multicultural sensitization, the development of the English skills.
The project will have a tremendous impact not only directly at the project participants and partner organizations level but indirectly at the level of the communities where the participants come from, and of the Romanian, European and international community.
The whole project approach is to guide towards the creation of the multiplicative effects and experiences at the level of involved actors and at an expanded level. On the long run, the practical use of the acquired competences from the participation at the activities, through the establishment of the sustainable social enterprises, will have a positive impact on the social economy sphere. The exchange of know-how and the development of a transnational initiative will be ensured through the development of the international collaborative network.